
Slowyuga (Slow + Cayuga) is the newest addition to the slow street network in San Francisco. The SFMTA Board approved Slowyuga in December 2022 when it created the official Slow Streets Program. It’s the longest slow street in the city, spanning 1.7 miles along Cayuga Avenue through the Cayuga Terrace, Excelsior, and Mission Terrace Neighborhoods, from Rousseau Street to Naglee Avenue. Here’s the design plan.
Friends of Slowyuga is a group of neighbors that have banded together to promote community, safety, health, and art along the Cayuga Ave Slow Street corridor. ​We got started in September 2022 organizing Mission Terrace Neighborfest, an epic block party on Cayuga Ave for neighbors to meet each other and promote resiliency.  Since then, we've supported several neighborhood events that activate and bring joy to our community.

Neighbors work out on Cayuga